St John Ambulance - Digital Design

Digital Design

Volunteer Attraction - Recruitment Print/Digital Project

With St John's volunteering numbers constantly increasing why not add one more? Haha! But seriously, we found that our numbers of Youth Leaders were dwindling and overall volunteering roles were not at a number we were happy with. Managers of local St John training hubs reached out as they were struggling to attracted new volunteers in their local area. The challenged I faced was not only attracting volunteers to St John but also attracting volunteers to a specific local area. We set out to create a suite of print assets to help with the recruitment of volunteers and to increase our brand recognition to to the public. The suite of assets included: outdoor banner, postcard, business cards, pull-up banner, general poster, localised poster and sail flags. In addition, all print assets would need to be converted digitally as well in varying formats for, social media, emails, website banners and digital advertising.

Optimising Designs For Digital

I took on the responsibility of adapting print designs for optimal performance in digital formats. Please refer to the examples below.

Social Media Digital Assets

Social media being a massive part of St John's reach, it was essential they were pumping out inspiring and quality content for their followers (40K). I would oversee social media content the team were creating before it was posted to ensure it was on brand and portrait done in a good light. From time to time, when the designed needed a bit more of a creative flare I would assist in creating digital assets/templates. Please see below examples:

Social Media Adverts