St John Ambulance

Branding The Ambulance

St John Ambulance are a charity that steps forward in the moments that matter, to save lives and keep communities safe. St John are a market leader in the provision of workplace training, first aid supplies and event and ambulance services.

Currently working at St John Ambulance,  I work closely with various stakeholders across the company, taking charge of and leading the creative execution of a diverse range of projects such as, editorial design, office branding, print design, digital design, web design, ambulance (vehicle) design, direct marketing and billboard. I ensure that the entire creative process, from project briefing to evaluation, is carried out in a timely manner, with a strong emphasis on delivering user-focused, on-brief, and strategically aligned creative outputs that reflect the organisation's objectives. I have developed excellent multitasking skills, and I am accountable to produce contemporary and inspiring creative outputs for the organisation.

St John Ambulance Annual Report

Massive projects like annual reports are not completed in silos, there’s always a great team working endless hours collaborating to get it over the line! I lead on design for the annual report and project managed timelines of the project. Click here to read more about the annual report.

St John Ambulance & Priory Annual Report 2022

St John Ambulance Impact Report

What exactly is an impact report? In contrast to an annual report, which delves into broader organisational aspects, an impact report zeroes in on a singular element—the impact itself. Typically more concise than its annual counterpart, this report serves as a snapshot rather than a comprehensive overview. And this is exactly what was delivered! A snapshot of St John Ambulance's impact within communities, please have a read here.

Impact Report 2022

Castle Donington Ambulance Hub Branding - Princess Anne Visit

I was presented with the honour to brand St John's latest ambulance hub based in Castle Donington. The new hub brings different specialisms together in one place to support the delivery of all St John Ambulance activity, as well as the six services that make up the NHS Midlands Critical Care Transfer Services (MCCTS) which sees the transfer of critically ill people between hospitals for specialist treatment.

Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal has opened the hub and unveiled a plaque which states the official opening of the building. Whilst at the event Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal was given a tour of the building, showcasing the different equipment, transport and lifesaving technology that is used by the teams when they are called upon.

Click here to read more about designing the ambulance hub and why I made specific design choices.

Brand Guidelines

Volunteer Attraction - Recruitment Print/Digital Project

With St John's volunteering numbers constantly increasing why not add one more? Haha! But seriously, we found that our numbers of Youth Leaders were dwindling and overall volunteering roles were not at a number we were happy with. Explore how I addressed the challenge with an innovative solution by clicking here.

Case Study Showcase - Recruitment Material

St John Ambulance invest a lot into their people has plenty of attraction materials available for districts to use during the promotion of volunteering opportunities, as well as for community awareness or fundraising activities. I created a document showcasing each role and the materials available, for when employees needed promotional items, they are readily available to order.

ITV News Coverage

St John Ambulance has an incredible audience reach, sharing life-saving stories that often catch the attention of news outlets, such as ITV News in this instance. My responsibility while collaborating with ITV was to meticulously arrange the scene with brand collateral, ensuring a flawless depiction of first aid in action. St John prioritises its people, and it was my job to place them at the forefront of the brand. To amplify this human connection, I curated brand materials featuring photos that centred on the volunteers' stories, emphasising the personal aspect of their experiences. If you would like to read more about this remarkable 8 year who saved her mum's life, click here.

St John Day 2023

Annually in St Pauls Cathedral, St John Ambulance celebrates its volunteers and people by putting on a public display of its services. They celebrate St John's Day with a ceremony that blends the grand tradition of the Order of St John with a modern message that matters to today's St John Ambulance members. I was tasked with setting the scene at St Pauls and essentially turning it the St John 'green'. Please see below pictures of the day and the marketing materials I created for it, these included: coffee travel mugs, posters, first aid z-cards, stationary, pull up banners and gazebos.

St John Ambulance Celebration Event 2023

An event to celebrate the amazing work of the St John volunteers was put on in April 2023, I was tasked with creating impactful designs that reflect the hard work of the volunteers. I decided to go ahead with a stat heavy design that would really capture the attention of the attendees and put emphasis on St John's impact throughout the previous year. Additional, to make to decorate the venue, I made use of the powerful stories our volunteers had to share and made them the talking point of the event with impactful images placed on A1 boards with easels to support them. Please see below images.

St John Ambulance's Impact in Numbers
Social media pick up from St John's celebrity partners - BBC The Triators Star Maddy and Ryan

Labour & Conservatives Conference 2023

I was tasked with setting the scene and raising brand awareness for St John. I firmly believe in the philosophy that simplicity is key when it comes to conference stands. Striking the right balance is crucial — not too simple to deter attendees, yet not overly complex in design. For these two conferences, I chose to emphasise our people and their incredible work. Live demonstrations featuring mannequins showcasing first aid techniques were a focal point for engaging MPs (refer to the images below). As a delightful bonus, St John Ambulance secured the second-place position for the best stand at the conference!

First Aid Z-Cards

Z-cards fit neatly in your pocket or wallet and unfolds to a full a4 leaflet size. St John Ambulance being market leaders in providing first aid advice, constantly needs new platforms to get the information out their to the public, this could be video format, images, posters, etc. In this instance they went with a z-card to deliver step by step advice on what action to take during medical emergencies, such as choking, severe bleeding or having a heart attack. I was tasked with collating the medical advice and presenting it in a way that can be easily consumed by the public. Working with a lot of information and a small canvas, I had to get creative with the layout of this projects. Utilising illustrations to covey the information was key in this project. Please see below images.

Standard Z-Card Front & Back Cover Pages
Standard Z-Card Front & Back Content Pages

Student First Aid Z-Card

I created a few variations of the z-card, and one of those being the student z-card. As freshers week was approaching St John needed some print collateral to hand out at the fairs, a big focus being carbon monoxide as there is a higher risk of students being in situations where they could be exposed to CO poisoning. We wanted the information to be readily available to students so we created specific z-cards and converted the information into a poster format to hang in student accommodation. Please see images below.

Student Z-Card Front & Back Cover Page
Student Z-Card Front & Back Content Pages
Student First Aid Poster

Reading Half Marathon - Ambulance Costume

My role at St John was extremely varied, one day I could be designing an annual report and the next an ambulance costume for the Reading Half Marathon! Jonathan Oakeley, near the finish line of the Reading Half Marathon in 2019, heart stopped beating. He was in cardiac arrest and needed immediate lifesaving intervention. Within seconds St John volunteers started chest compressions and used a defibrillator to restart his heart. Fast forward to 2023 where John has completed four half-marathons in eight months to raise thousands for St John Ambulance to show his appreciation for those volunteer workers who saved his life. The money raised, totalling over £4,300, will help train more volunteers and ensure vital equipment is available for those needing to save more lives.

I was tasked with designing the ambulance costume John would run in to increase brand awareness and consideration. Fun fact: 80% of the public know who St John is; however, only 20% would consider donating to the charity, one of my key responsibilities was to flip this stat on its head and increase consideration.

Here's a few photos on race day and an article that was picked up by the local press, click here to read more.